Policy & Procedure

Policy & Procedure

Infrastructure & Architecture


Develop, Test, Release

Are your AppSec Policies & Procedures Optimized?

Maturity Assessments (OpenSamm)
Policy & Procedure Creation
Organizations need both Policies – the specific rules that govern every aspect of an organization’s application security, from specifics like the rules that surround input validation to the processes that define CICD efforts, and Procedures – the standard set of guidelines that govern how the policies are to be met.
Saltworks Security can help you identify the laws, regulations, and obligations that need to be considered when crafting a policy, as well as the best framework that meets your needs and requirements. An enterprise Policy must be based off an industry best practice framework (such as ISO 27001/27002, NIST SP 800 series, COBIT, ITIL, etc.). And development teams need a procedural baseline that they can understand to learn and implement proper controls within the SDLC (Software Development Life-Cycle) regardless of the development model implemented. Saltworks Security can guide your efforts from creation to implementation, and ensure those policies and procedures are followed.